

Better BioKinesiology offers a nurturing, non judgemental complementary therapy aimed at making you BETTER physically, spiritually and emotionally .

Biokinesiology is a complementary therapy that uses muscle testing techniques to detect biochemical imbalances in the body.  Working with your body’s biochemistry, we test to find the underlying cause of your health issues in order to treat and eradicate the problem

Even when we have healthy diets and lifestyles we can still feel unwell, exhausted or in pain.  Our bodies are coping with increased pollutions.  This together with a decrease in soil quality can mean we are not getting the right amount of minerals or nutrients for our own unique needs at this moment in time.

Many of our clients have feel they are not getting to the root cause of their health problem.  This can have a negative impact on their mental health, and begin a downward spiral. 

At your first session we will look at your diet, lifestyle and symptoms and start to put the picture together.  And please don't worry. This is completely without judgement, it is simply for me to know what to test for and how to move forward in BETTER supporting YOU.   We will then spend 40 to 50 minutes testing your digestion, liver pathway, food intolerances and toxins.  If any nutrients are need to support these I will dose for your individual requirements.  We will finish up with a  4 week supplement plan which is unique to what your body needs as well as diet and lifestyle plan which you know will work for you.

For those wanting or needing emotional or spiritual support, I will work on your Chakras, use Bach Flower Remedies, Energy Alignment and Grounding,  removing Emotional and Belief blockages as well as Affirmations for Unconscious  Emotions and EFT.

Your first session will take  approximately 1 hour 15 minutes.  Subsequent sessions usually take about an hour.  If you require supplements and are on prescribed medication, or if you are pregnant or breast feeding you will need to check with your pharmacist that its is ok to take them before you order them.

Sheena McGonigle


My Story

I was first drawn to Kinesiology after the birth of our son, who did not sleep, had awful nappies and cried constantly at night. Our GP who was wonderful, saw him regularly and tried a number of different medications for reflux and bowel moment. Unfortunately they did little to improve the symptoms. An appointment with the Kinesiologist showed that lactose was an issue for him and recommended lactose free formula. This was life changing and we have never looked back. 

I then saw the Kinesiologist for my own issues with recovery and post natal depression. I was so impressed with the results that I went on to study Systematic Kinesiology in 2009. 

Since then I have explored other complementary therapies, with the aim of helping others feel to feel BETTER.  I qualified and practiced in Mindfulness, EFT and CBT Hypnotherapy in Ireland, the UK and the Baltics.   I am also a Staff Wellbeing Consultant, helping organisations and schools understand Authentic Leadership, Physiological Safety and how Honest Communication plays a role in wellbeing. I support in the establishment of wellbeing committees and wellbeing strategies.

After I got Covid I thought I would never feel right again.  I had no energy and the thing that worried me the most was I couldn't think straight.   I had heard that Sheena's husband had been through something similar and had made a great recovery.  Even after my first visit and only a couple weeks on the supplements I felt so much better. It has been amazing.  Thank you

- David M

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